[insert fancy title]

How to become a computer expert

Hi, the W3C HTML validator said I should put something here

Picture © XKCD (original version) & David Dernoncourt, under a CC-BY-NC license

Thoughts on web design, security, crypto...

And yes, I wrote most of this page in nano. Via PuTTY. And it was fun. Mostly. Somewhat. For a moment.

^..^      /
   /\   /\
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...okay not as much as copy/pasting some ASCII art.

PGP key

Also, hi

I really just set this up in order to give a little something to whomever gets curious enough about my e-mail. Hi, you ^^

And if you're even more curious, here's a random LinkedIn profile (beware of the Evil Tracking™️): https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviddernoncourt/

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